The paradigm of the 21st century is characterized by the development of new kinds of information threats too. Banking systems, marketing, news media, business, and political activities have progressively shifted online, and activities of specially trained people did not remain isolated either. The market economy, combined with the technologies of the 21st century, gave a new round of expansion for private special services, which may be equipped as good as governmental structures. Private special services have begun developing in the 90s of the last century. The principal task of such formations is to protect the interests of individuals or organizations. Private special services are ready to commit criminal crimes against opponents or competitors of their clients to accomplish tasks. As it is known, even classic cybercriminals’ activities have not been prevented yet even in one developed country. Individuals whose level of training far exceeds those of hackers and cybercriminals, can cause large-scale damages and even obstruct business activities of large enterprises, corporate groups, and social agencies.
An advancing tendency of private intelligence services has set a new task for the civilized world to develop innovative, more efficient ways to resist information threats. One of the possible solutions as such is the “Neuro-Shield” system, which was presented in London on September 2019.
As of today, experimentations show that the effectiveness of neutralizing threats is from 76% to 85%
What is a “Neuro-Shield”
“Neuro-shield” is a technology created for deactivation of information threats. The system is the development of a British non-governmental organization, as a counterbalance against information attacks of private intelligence services in the online environment. The technology was first displayed in London on September 12-13, 2019 at an invitation-only seminar attended by our Belgian partners. According to the presentation, at the moment, experimentations show that the effectiveness of neutralizing threats is from 76% to 85%. Also, technology is going to be enhanced by tests and mutual work with partners who have been involved in the development of this system. Therefore, the “Neuro-Shield” system will be intensified with effective solutions and methods that will significantly increase its efficiency.
How it works
The “Neuro-Shield” system is based on neural networks and artificial intelligence. The technology is supported by the developers and specialists who maintain the system. The “Neuro-Shield” functions in three modes: automatic, semi-automatic and manual control. To tackle problems of information threats neutralization, we have investigated all those rules (public and non-public rules) that are administered by platforms such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, hosting owners and others. Owing to the vulnerability recognition system this technology can legally deactivate entire communication systems for relevant violations of rules.
The concept of the “Neuro-Shield” system is as follows:
1. Datacenter
- Dynamically updated finder database (about people, events, and organizations);
- Currently contains data of more than 100 million social network users;
- The datacenter is integrated with Interpol and Europol databases;
- Continuously scans targeted social networks tasked to collect primary information;
- Regularly gets updated with text transcripts of YouTube videos.
2. Analytical source
- Collects data according to the specified parameters utilizing an artificial intelligence system and neural networks;
- Compares received data with the Data Center;
- Complements Data Center with new data.
3. Computing system
- Artificial intelligence system systemizes and structures data obtained earlier;
- At this stage, threats are classified according to 35 parameters;
- The system analyses vulnerabilities of potentially dangerous individuals and organizations;
- Recommends decision options to neutralize threats.
4. Control and Decision Center
- The specialist group analyzes solutions offered by the computing system and assesses their effectiveness;
- Vulnerabilities are assessed separately and scrutinized on test models;
- At this stage, strategy and tactics are defined taking into account proposed solutions.
5. Neutralization of information threats
- The implementation of this stage is done by using artificial intelligence systems as well as involving specialists who coordinate implementation;
- Tactical and operational decisions are adjusted in the course of the neutralization stage phase;
- New mechanisms and tactical models are integrated and artificial intelligence systems are complemented.
To classify threats and find vulnerabilities, it is proposed to use the development of Belgian expert group, who are authorized suppliers of this technology. This model went through a series of tests between January 2019 and has proved to be highly efficient. The accuracy of the classification of subjects in this system reaches 93%. In total, the system evaluates more than 20 categories of threats for instance in Facebook:
RF (real fake) is an account whose owner uses other people’s data to sign up for Facebook (name, last name, photos, biography, etc.);
BF (behaves like a fake) is an account whose owner behaves just like fake accounts. To categorize profile page into this category it is scanned for more than 13 parameters, including frequency of provocations, insults, defamation, spam, etc.;
MF (“mental fake”) is an account whose owner has no individual characteristics and copies behavior patterns and language of a particular social group. Сommonly, such profile pages are created to support a political force during the campaign;
TF (“time fake”) is an account whose owner spends more than an average representative of the profession indicated on the profile. There is a serious limitation in this category because not all users specify their profession on their profile;
PF (“psycho fake”) is an account whose owner regularly demonstrates destructive reactions during discussions of certain occurrences/events/people.
It is important to realize that every profile page has a variety of vulnerabilities, which makes it possible to ensure account freeze or block temporarily or for a long period in a legal way.
This system is an all-inclusive solution in information security for any entity which uses online environment, at least to some extent, for professional purposes, starting from commercial structures and public organizations to governmental entities of different levels.